Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Dos and Donts of Searching for Jobs From Work

The Dos and Donts of Searching for Jobs From WorkThe Dos and Donts of Searching for Jobs From WorkCan you safely job search from work? Whats the best way to handle it when youre sitting at your desk all day and you dont like your job, or you want to find a better one? The temptation of course is to while away the hours lookingat job postings, perhapsuploading your resume, talking to contacts who could help, or sharing the trials and tribulations of your job search viaFacebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Messenger or WhatsApp. If you were to do that, you certainly wouldnt be the first (or the only) person to do so. Most people job search during the work week rather than on weekends, and many do it from work. Given the way companies monitor employees, its unwise to use your work computer or emaille account for job searching. You dont want to getfired for looking for a new job and you could be. Its much easier to move on when its most convenient for you(and on your terms) than having to find a job because your employment was terminated. There are also ethical issues with job searching on your bosss dime (even if you cant stand him or her). Who is Watching You Work AProofpoint surveyfound that 41 percent of large companies read employee email. Almost 26 percent have terminated employees for email policy violations, while another 45 percent have disciplined employees for violating email policies. Afull20 percent of surveyed employers haddisciplined employees for improper use of blogs or katechese boards, with13 percent havingtakingactionfor social networking violations, and 14 percent discipliningfor improper use of media sharing sites. Asurvey from Alfrescoreports that 98% of the employers who responded monitor employees digital activities, with 87 percent tracking email and 70 percent looking at web browser history. What you do online, at least when youre doing it from work, is your employers business and not much of it is private. And the number of companies reading your email is important to note for anyone seeking employment. In fact, almost 20% of the companies surveyed had employees whose primary job is to read and analyze email. Therefore its important to be careful. Heres what you can do to make koranvers you dont get in trouble job searching from work, or (even worse) lose your job before youre ready to move on. Dos and DontsofJob Searching at Work The best way to job search discreetlyfrom work is to do allof your job-hunting activities on your own device. Its also important to manage your time carefully, so you dont get caught spending your employers dime looking for a job to move on to. Email AccountDo not use yourwork email address for job searching. Use your personal account and dont send resumes and cover letters from your work email account or use that email address when you apply online. Another option is toset up a free email accountusing Gmail or another email provider,specifically for your job search. It will make it easier to check the correspondence youve sent and totrack applications when you have everything in one easy-to-access place. Computer and PhonesDont use your employers computers or phone system. Keep your resume, email correspondence and anything related to your job search in the cloud or on your home computer, tablet and phone. Use your personal phone for job searching calls and texts. Check for voicemail discreetly during the work day so you dont miss important calls. Check Your Privacy SettingsBefore you start job searching, check the privacy settings on all your social accounts. Make sure that your posts are viewable by the right audience. There maybe some content that might benefit your job search, if its work-related. Other posts might make aprospective employer think twice about hiring you. Check your LinkedIn settings. You probably dont want your employer to see how busy you are updating your LinkedIn profile, soadjust your activity broadcasts accordingly. Going OnlineIf you have a blog, be careful what you say on it. People have beenfired for comments made about their employer. The same goes for what you write on LinkedIn, Google, Facebook andother networking sites. Twitter can be dangerous as well. Employers can (and do) read what you post or write there. On the flip side, social media can give you terrific exposure. Post news and information about your industry and career field(where relevant), especially on LinkedIn. It will help you tobe noticed by employers. When and Where to Job SearchUse your lunch hour or your break for job-hunting activities. On your lunch hour,visit a bookstore, coffee shop or library with internet access, and use your phone, tablet or laptop. This is also a good time to return phone callsfromprospectiveemployers, especially if you can take an early or late lunch to catch them in the office. Be DiscreetBe careful who you tell that youre looking for a new job. If you inform co-workers you can be sure that it will get back to your b oss, one way or another. Do tell your family so they can take messages for you(if youre using a landline) and so they dont inadvertently call work to say someone is calling about an interview. When youre talking to networking connections, ask them if they would treat your job search confidentially. Advise them that your current employer isnt aware of your job search and youd like to keep it that way. Build Your Professional NetworkEach of us should have a network of colleagues and contacts to use for building our career, whether we are currentlyjob searchingor not. Most peoplesLinkedIn network has a lot of contactsfrom previous employers, their current employer, vendors, customers and colleagues. Staying in touch with those contactsandkeeping abreastof whats happening in your field can help your employer as well as yourself. Yes, youre positioning yourself for the future, but youre also using a tool that can help you tolearn about new products and make connections that could help yo ur company succeed. Use Your NetworkYoucan kill two birds with one stone building your network onprofessional networking siteslike LinkedIn can help youandyour employer. For example,a web developerused his LinkedIn network to find someone to help with usability testing for his companys new website. During the process he also made a new contact who could help with his future job search. If You Get CaughtIf despite your best efforts, your boss catches you job searching, heres advice onwhat to do nextand how to limit the damage. You may be able to get yourself out of a difficult situation, at least for thetimebeing.

Monday, December 23, 2019

How to Transfer Jobs at Your Company

How to Transfer Jobs at Your CompanyHow to Transfer Jobs at Your CompanyThere are many reasons employees consider transferring jobs. When you are relocating and want to continue working for the same company, a transfer may be a viable option. In some cases, your employer may simply agree to let you work at the same or a similar job at a different location. In others, you may have to apply for an open position in the new location. It depends on company policy, workforce requirements, and staffing needs in both departments or locations. There are other reasons you may want to transfer. If you arent thrilled with your job but like your company, one of the first places to consider for new employment may be your current employer. When you are interested in changing your job function, a transfer can be a good way to start a newcareer pathwithout having to seek employment with a new company. As with transferring locations, if youre seeking to switch departments, want to work in a different functional area, or want to work at a different job, you may be able to ask for a transfer, or you may have to follow formal policy to apply for the job(s) youre interested in. The Benefits of Transferring An internal transfer can have many advantages over quitting your job and leaving the company, including the zurckhalten of your current pay level, retirement plan, health care coverage, vacation, benefits and perks, and friendships with co-workers. Types of Transfers A transfer is considered alateral transferwhen it is a transfer to the same job at a different location or to the same level job in the same or a different department. If you are applying for a higher level job, it will beconsidered a job promotionrather than a transfer. How to Request a Transfer There are several different ways you can request a transfer, depending on the organization and your relationship with supervisors and staff.These include a casual or formal discussion with your manager or menschen wrdig resources department,and a written request for a transfer.Youmayalsomake an application for open positions (just as an external candidate for a job would apply), though you may be given special consideration as a current employee. Review how each option works and considertips for successfully transferring without putting your current role in jeopardy. Letter Example Requesting a Transfer The company may ask you to request a transfer in writing. If so, your letter should include The reason you are writingYour background with the companyDetails about your transfer requestA pitch on how your transfer will benefit the organization. Heres anexample of a job transfer request letter, with a vorlage you can download to create your own letter. How to Find Available Jobs If you need to apply for an open position as part of the transfer process, you may be able to do so online. Most employers list open jobs on theircompany website. You may be able to sign up for email alerts tha t will notify you of new job openings. Some companies email lists of available jobs to employees, so all current workers are notified about available positions. At smaller companies, the process may be less formal and you may need to discuss with managementyour interest in transferring. How to Apply for an Internal Position In some cases, employees interested in a transfer are required to apply for new jobs within the company. Some employers accept applications from internal applicants before opening up applications to external candidates. If thats the case, it means that youll have an advantage during thehiring process. However, you may still need to apply and interview for the job, especially if the new job is in a different department or at a different location. Some large companies may have a streamlined process for employees seeking to relocate and may provide financial relocation assistance for hard-to-fill positions. Check your companys career website or check with your h uman resources department for instructions on the application process for transferring. Tips for Transferring Jobs at Your Company Whether you are relocating or considering a change from one functional area to another, it often can be done within the same firm. Thats because you will bring valuable company and industry knowledge with you that an outsider wouldnt possess. An added element of your appeal can be your reputation as a hardworking and competent employee. It can remove some of the hiring uncertainty involved with bringing in a new worker from the outside. However, an internal move can also be risky if you arent careful about how you handle your transfer request. Here are tips on how to transfer jobs. Consider discussing with your manager. It may make sense to discuss the possibility of making an internal move directly with your current manager, so they dont think that you are sneaking around behind their back. However, there may be situations where your managers person ality will make this difficult. If thats the case, you might need to work with other contacts such as prospective managers, human resources staff or your managers supervisor. Considerable risk of backlash can accompany not telling your supervisor, and it will be hard to turn back once you have embarked on that course of action. Therefore, carefully weigh your options prior to applying for a transfer. Make sure that your performance and attitude continue to be excellentonce you have a made a decision to move on from your current job. Your relationship with your current manager and their opinion about your character, productivity, and work habits will carry considerable weight as you apply for new positions. Companies are typically reluctant to let a star employee leave the organization, but wont hesitate to send a marginal worker packing if she seems discontent with her current position. If you are targeting other departments at your firm, look for opportunities to interact with sta ff in that department. Volunteer for projects which will enable you to showcase your talents and work ethic to coworkers and managers in departments of interest. Seek out committee or task force assignments for company-wide initiatives that might raise your visibility and bring you into contact with prospective managers. Endeavor todevelop a mentor-protg relationshipwith your current manager.Seek her out for advice and engage her in discussions about your professional andcareer development. A manager who is invested in your career is more likely to support a transition out of your department. Be sure that you are just as careful about presenting your qualifications to hiring managerswhen applying for a job within the company as you would be when applying for an external job. Dont assume thatinternal staffmembers know about all your strengths and accomplishments in great detail. Itemize anddocument your credentialsto make sure they understand that you are very well suited to the job. Also, be sure tohave references within the companywho can attest to your skills.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Air Force Space and Missile Operations

Air Force Space and Missile OperationsAir Force Space and Missile OperationsOrbiting satellites and space vehicles are not just used for communications, weather forecasting, and space explorationthey also play an important role in national security. The systems include surveillance, intercontinental ballistic missile launch, space lift, ballistic space warning, and satellite command and control. Role Summary Space operations officers perform associated battle management, command, control, and communications activities to defend and support the United States and allied forces. They also manage space flight planning, training, and mission control, along with launching and recovering spacecraft. Additionally, they may also be astronauts or crew members for space flights. Space and Missile Operations officers are divided into categories based on experience AFSC 13S4, StaffAFSC 13S3, QualifiedAFSC 13S2, IntermediateAFSC 13S1, Entry Duties and Responsibilities Space operations offi cers in the military perform a range of these duties Plan, organize and direct space and missile operations programs.Develop flight simulation exercises used to train astronauts.Observe, conduct and evaluate theeffectiveness of space systems and missile weapon systems training, standardization, and evaluation programs.Build future plans, requirements, concepts, directives and exercises for operational employment of systems and facilities.Plan space stationsDirect space center launch and recovery activitiesCommand and pilot space shuttlesMonitor foreign space flights and missile launches Formulate space and missile operations policies.Develop policies and procedures for current and future space and missile systems.Establish organizational structure, and determines personnel required to support mission areas. Establishes training requirements and performance standards for all systems.Coordinate with national and international space agencies on intercontinental ballistic missile launch , space, and satellite launching and space warning, tracking, control, and cataloging activities. Advise commanders and staff on thecapability of offensive and defensive units to meet operational requirements, and on matters for operational effectiveness, combat readiness, organization, and training.Conduct nuclear and emergency war reservierung training for combat crew members write nuclear and space annexes to operation plans.Conduct space and missile operations activities, including satellite health and status.Launch, early orbit, and on-orbit testing orbital analysis and surveillance.Catalog foreign and domestic space objects, detect the continental United States impacting ballistic missile threats and provide an assessment to national military command authorities. Specialty and Knowledge Qualifications The following knowledge is mandatory for award of the qualified AFSC roles Evolution of space and missilesSpace and missile organization, policy, and doctrine requirements, acquisition, and logistics communication systems and fundamentalsNuclear weapons responsibilitiesTechnical order and Air Force policy directive familiarizationAerospace environment orbital mechanicsTrajectory and reentry conceptsSatellite and launch vehicle subsystems missile combat crew operationsSpace warning and surveillanceForeign missions and systemsSpace and missile systemsapplications in a theater environment Emergency war orders concepts13S3A Satellite command and control systems.13S3B Spacecraft systems operation booster and payload processing range control and safety applications and launch processing and solid or liquid rocket performance.13S3C Combat crew procedures, fundamentals of electricity and electronics, principles of aerodynamics, missile guidance systems, power plants, and related components.13S3D/E Electronic, infrared, optical sensor operations orbital analysis and characteristics, tracking, ballistic missile trajectories, space surveillance, and space warning systems. Training The following training is mandatory for an award of AFSC 13S3X Completion of Undergraduate Space and Missile Training prior to entry into suffix specialized training courses.13S3A Completion of a C2 operations course.13S3B Completion of a space lift operations course.13S2C Completion of the missile combat crew operations course.13S3D/E Completion of a space surveillance and space warning operations course.13S3 Completion of an advanced space and missile training course. Experience The following experience is mandatory for an award of AFSC 13S3A A minimum of 12 months of experience in satellite C2 units.13S3B A minimum of 12 months of experience in space lift operations units.13S2C Proficiency in organizing directing launch operations and emergency war order and codes certification.13S3C Qualification in and possession of AFSC 13S2C. Also, a minimum of 12 months of experience as a deputy combat crew commander, and emergency war order and codes certificatio n.13S3D/E A minimum of 12 months of experience in space surveillance or space warning units.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Engineering - Learning from the Past and Building the Future

Engineering - Learning from the Past and Building the Future Engineering - Learning from the Past and Building the Future Engineering - Learning from the Past and Building the FutureBad decision making can overcome even robust engineering.1 Expectations of society towards mechanical engineers include that the product will fulfil its purpose, address the need, and do so in a way that doesnt do any harm. In that respect it is an engineers priority to keep the tauglichkeit for human error to a minimum by making sure that a newly designed mechanism has been thoroughly tested prior to entering the market. By examining incidents of mechanical failures from the early 20th century until today, this paper shows how learning from past mistakes plays a crucial role in designing a better and safer world for the future.Henry Ford would have fit pretty well into my former perception of a typical engineer. When he wanted to build his famous V-8 motor, his engineers told him that it would be an impo ssible task. Ford however, told them to Produce it anyway.2 Is that what engineering is all about the creation of products that have never existed before? In fact, it welches Lon Levavasseur who had constructed the first V-8 engine for the aircraft industry thirty years earlier, in 1902.3 Furthermora, before Fords V-8 was introduced, high-end automobiles were already equipped with V-8 cylinders. 4 Consequently, Fords aim was not to produce a new product that never existed before he wanted to make an existing product more competitive, by decreasing its costs of manufacturing and making it available to a wider range of people. Since Ford was determined to get the product into the market by 1932,5 he did have little time to test drive his new engine. As a consequence, nearly every part of the engine experienced some issue and had to be replaced.6This is only one example that illustrates the importance of making sure that a product is working without any problems before introducing it into the market. Not only does it mean that manufacturers will have to deal with fewer customer complaints, but most importantly, it ensures that users are safe. Engineers often find themselves in two unfortunate situations. One is engineering error or failure as one of the first speculations made when an accident occurs. Two is engineering failures (even if they are only assumptions) get much more media coverage than products that are well designed and serve their purpose. The following incident illustrates these points in more detail.Today, the John Hancock Tower in Boston is rated as the third-best work of architecture in the Boston history.7 However, the public perception was very different in the 1970s when the 62-story, approximately 1,700,000 square foot tall glass tower8 was still under construction and at least 65 huge panels of glass, each weighing 500 pounds, smashed onto the ground reaching up to 75 miles per hour.9 Both the architecture company I.M. Pei and Partners, a s well as the engineers working on the project, were subject to criticism for having made a mistake in the construction of the building. After several years of negative press, experiments conducted with the Hancock window panels showed that it was the window maker who hadnt produced the correct type of glass. All 10,344 windows of the Hancock Tower had to be replaced by the manufacturer for a total cost of $7 million.10 But the reputational damage to architects and engineers was already done.This incident illustrates just how easy it is for engineers to be in the center of the news as soon as something seems to have failed. Since a train or plane accident gets much more media coverage than a car accident, some people even believe that air travel is riskier than other means of transportation.11 In fact, driving a car is the most dangerous means of transportation, whereas travelling by train is the safest.12 But why is it so easy to connect engineers with whatever seems to be out of c ontrol? One part of the answer is that engineering is involved in nearly everything we interact with in our daily lives. The other part of the answer is that engineering products is a process that consists of many different stages that are fulfilled by more than one person hence, there is increased potential for errors to occur. A study conducted at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich analyzed 800 cases of engineering failures in which 504 people were killed, 592 people injured, and millions of dollars of damage incurred.13 Some engineering failures can be explained by a lack of sufficient test runs, however, sometimes it is much more difficult to foresee and more importantly to imitate all potential environmental conditions.When the Titanic made her maiden voyage in 1912, it was the largest moveable object ever made.14 One reason for the rapid sinking of the ship was due to the underestimation of environmental influence and the choice of material. The hull steel an d the wrought iron rivets failed due to brittle fracture.15 Factors that lead to brittle fracture include low temperature, high impact loading and high sulphur content, which were all present on the day when the Titanic hit the iceberg and sunk.16 In addition, the ship that even God himself could not sink 17 had design flaws, which became apparent when the water that entered the front six so-called watertight compartments began to spill over into adjacent compartments.18 In fact, the compartments were only watertight horizontally their tops were open, so that the water could flow from one compartment to the next.19 The most tragic element of the disaster is the fact that passengers lives could have been saved, if there had only been enough lifeboats. The Titanic had only 20 lifeboats on deck, but 48 would have been needed to save all passengers on board.20 Is this yet another example of engineering carelessness? In fact, the vessel was carrying more lifeboats than it required accord ing to the British motherboard of Trades rules. However, these rules had been made in 1894, and the Titanic was four times larger than the largest legal classification considered under the old rules.21 In addition, due to the public belief that the Titanic was unsinkable, Titanics owners and the British Board of Trade thought that having too many lifeboats would unnecessarily crowd the deck and make people belief that the ship was unsafe.22 Indeed, even the car industry was reluctant to install seatbelts in the 1950s, because it gave the impression that something might be unsafe about the car.23 Had the engineers underestimated their duty to design safe and efficient mechanisms?To conclude, although it is an engineers highest priority to design mechanisms that are safe, engineering errors can happen due to a number of various factors. It is an engineers responsibility to ensure that peoples lives are not endangered even in the vorstellung of an accident. Examples include higher safe ty practices and improved emergency equipment, such as airbags in cars and planes, life jackets and lifeboats on marine vessels and safety windows in busses. However, there is one risk factor that cannot be eliminated, namely human fallibility.24 As noted in an article published after the sinking of the Titanic, the Titanic simply furnished another example of the well-established principle that if, in the conduct of any enterprise, an error of human judgment or faulty working of the human senses involves disaster, sooner or later the disaster comes.25 In that regard, engineers cannot prevent every disaster from happening, but their task is to keep damage to human life and the environment to a minimum while creating products that solve societys needs.References 2014-Miller-Williston Abstract-References2015 Arthur L. Williston Award Contest Call for Papers now through February 15, 2015

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Untold Story About Developer Resume You Must Read or Be Left Out

The Untold Story About Developer Resume You Must Read or Be Left Out Employers want you to have experience, but often you will need to get given the chance as a way to find that experience. Our internet developer resume samples will reveal to you just how to present yur qualifications so that employers will see your in depth experience and expert background. In one short sentence explain how you are going to benefit the provider. You may think everyone knows about your organization or client or employer but that might not be the instance. Be certain that your portfolio incorporates relevant work. The same as a Java-powered solution should. After you know which in-demand skills you presently have, you can find out what to learn next to get ready for the work industry. Because it paints a complete picture of what that professional can do to help their company rather than being bland and boring like the very first summary. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Developer Resume O ur dedicated team members are almost always prepared to help you. See our testimonials and learn why our customers enjoy partnering with us. Theres something named Resume paper thats manufactured especially for CVs. Listing skills needed for the position is a no-brainer. Developer Resume Ideas Having the capability to create websites which are not just user-friendly, but in addition perform flawlessly is an excellent indication of a strong Web Developer. There are lots of jobs available for web developers, yet to find the position you want, youll still will need to get a stellar resume. Check out many different developer resume samples to find out how other professionals list their certifications. Some fantastic developers go the additional mile and make personal portfolios. To us, design a site is a very simple job and it might feel terrible to charge a greater markup. Should you need some java developer resume examples youre on the ideal website. The internet developer resume follows a very simple structure intended to earn an amazing first impression with your upcoming employer. Even web developers ought to be familiarized with things like data mining. A fresher resume vorlage is to highlight only the abilities and regions of knowledge of the fresher. You would want the template for a variety of explanations. The template formats are created by highly skilled and knowledgeable professionals who understand how to present a simple fact, and the way to make it look most lucrative. As shown above, one of the most essential components of producing something on the internet is its security. An internet developer can expect to earn a salary in the array of $35,000 to $105,000 each year. The detailed web app may give you a terrific estimate of how much you ought to be charging. however, its important to classify what precisely goes into each category. A tip here is to at all times make certain your fixed pricing somewhat matches your hourly spe ed. Now, youve got to demonstrate your capability by means of a succession of challenges. If you respect the structure and mention similar info, ensuring you add your abilities and abilities to the mix, there is not anything to be concerned about. Over the last couple of decades, the resume has been replaced with a lot of other techniques to demonstrate your abilities. Now its time to illustrate how your skills were used to generate tangible outcomes. You might raise your likelihood of getting an interview if you include keywords that are frequently used within the web development market. Virtually every field of tech focuses on finding solutions to aufgabes. Possessing an expert LinkedIn profile is surely a very good beginning, but should you really want peoples attention you will need to advertise yourself be a portfolio website. It is one thing, but you can really show your skills using your own portfolio site. Heres What I Know About Developer Resume Internet programmi ng is a rather dynamic field thats constantly being enhanced and changed. Database programming skills are in-demand and extremely desired. Read more about the way to turn into a Computer Systems Analyst. Experience List your latest jobs. Web designers want to fully grasp how WordPress works and the way to use this, and so do bloggers (obvs) Customer support people have to have problem solving skills, the same as web developers do Web developers also need to be consistently learning new tools in order to keep on track with the ever-changing technologies. In order to acquire your internet developer resume noticed, you will have to have experience with a selection of Internet programming platforms and protocols.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Anxiety Writing Resume: the Ultimate Convenience!

Anxiety Writing Resume the Ultimate Convenience Life After Anxiety Writing Resume Job interview preparation is practically as grueling physically because it is mentally. Then take a look at what youve written. The aim of your resume is to secure you the interview. Significant difference in the way you approach the subject. Just remember to take care of everyone respectfully even if its the case that you dont get the job. Ask a great deal of questions of the individual who assigned you a bit of writing. Whenever you schedule your interview, begin working out the details in order to make the most of your likelihood of succeeding. Give each answer as if you were in a true interview. Figuring out what things to do with criticism from such readers is a significant part a writers growth. In the end, as you need your resume to be simple to read and compare, you dont want it to look exactly like everyone elses. Sometimes anxieties and fears can build until the point that you simply have to rant or tell someone about it, and that may be entirely healthy. Use the criticism you become. What You Dont Know About Anxiety Writing Resume Essays are the absolute most frequent distinct kinds of school jobs that college students are essential to finished. The objective of the writing lab is to assist students improve the writing skills they have to be successful at the college level. Everyone can pay a visit to the writing center and several do undergraduates, graduates, and sometimes even faculty and staff Students have plenty of essays. One of the absolute most effective strategies for handhabung periods of anxiety is, I believe, to keep on writing, but writing something you know from the start isnt going to go into the finished product. It is, therefore, crucial to locate ways of handling difficult circumstances, to be able to stay healthier and among the simplest, most productive procedures of coping with tension and anxiety is organized physical pra ctice. If you are always dealing with your writing anxiety, in place of writing, youre still avoiding the actual work, for any reason. The intention of the paper was supposed to offer a comprehension of social anxiety disorder. There are frequently many distinct tactics to write within a specific form. If your resume requires over two pages, then youre not being selective enough with the info that you include. On-line assignment help out is a huge break free for a number of college students. Many students are browbeaten by a string of punitive teachers. If so, your anxiety may just be based on a deficiency of knowledge about writing for the work search. There are lots of ways to practice meditation, and no correct or wrong means to do it. Exercise is not just an extremely efficient system of stress management, but in plus-rechnen one with different advantages. Physical exercise needs to be enhanced as an overall wellness booster as well as a means to stay physically fit and reduce odds of different infections. For those kids, task us based essay writing services the aid of a trustworthy assignment making services are an ideal strategy available on the market. You can pay for as a consequence of on the internet genuine essay writing service uk solution. Are you fighting to come across expert paper writing service. Any moment you put money into thesis on the internet assistance look into the service in the appropriate way, will the editors whilst in the program have educational background and education. Want to Know More About Anxiety Writing Resume? Anxiety isnt a simple problem you can merely solve as a math equation. Method of composing is mainly needed. Spelling difficulties and glitches supplies you with bad idea.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Online Job Source - FlexJobs

Online Job Source - FlexJobsOnline Job Source The atmosphere was encouraging last week as Sara Sutton, CEO of , had the pleasure of being interviewed by Sean Cole, host of the popular Marketplace program on National Public Radio. After examining the increase in the amount of late-night TV ads that promise Internet riches, its easy to understand why some people equate online jobs with scams or get-rich-quick schemes. These ads do a great disservice to the real online jobs that are out there by targeting stay-at-home moms and the unemployed in this economic turmoil.But not all online jobs are scams, as Sara reveals.In her experience, there are a great number of actual jobs to be found on . In fact, all of the jobs at are real jobs, researched and carefully scrutinized to make sure they are the best quality jobs at reputable companies. In the last four to six months, has seen a rapid increase in the diversity of job seekers and is growing exponentially. That gives Sara and the rest of the team a lot of hope that as mora and more companies see the value of allowing their employees to work online, they will provide more telecommuting opportunities.At the conclusion of the interview, Sara jokingly responded to Sean Coles suggestion to create an infomercial that says Come online and do something somewhat normal She anticipates being contacted sometime in the future to do an infomercial however that really isnt necessary because the jobs speak for themselves.You can hear the full story, titled Fast cash ads on the rise, on the Marketplace website, with Saras tips for looking for an online job, at http//

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Email Reference Thank You Letter Sample

Email Reference Thank You Letter SampleEmail Reference Thank You Letter SampleManners matter, especially in professional life. The single best way to keep your careernetwork strong and growing is to be polite. Treat people as youd like to be treated. People like to know they are appreciated, and even a quick schmelzglas message to thank them will help cement your relationship with your reference writer, and perhaps will make them even more willing to help you again in the future. Say thank you when someone helps you out. Nowhere is this more important than when someone has done you a favor, for example by writing you a professional or personal letter of reference. Writing reference letters takes time and energy, and most of us have precious little of either. A contact who makes an effort to write you a reference is moving you ahead of several priorities on a crowded to-do list. Its important that you acknowledge that, and thank them for taking the trouble. In doing so, youre not only making your mom proud that she taught you how to behave all those years ago youre also solidifying a connection with someone whos already shown that he or she is willing to go to some effort on your behalf. Thats good geschftsleben, as well as good manners. The good news is that these thank-you letters dont require much investment on your part certainly not compared with the reference letter theyre intended to acknowledge. Often, you can send your thank-you via email, and take advantage of technologys speedy turn-around time and save yourself a stamp in the process. Note that if you go this route, time is of the essence. Sending an email as soon as you can after receiving your letter of reference shows that you appreciate the favor and that your interest is in thanking them as quickly as possible. (Also note that an email thank-you isnt always the best option more on that in a minute.) What an Email Reference Thank-You Letter Should Include Email thank-you letters can be short and sweet. Theres no need to spend paragraphs extending your thanks, but you do want to make sure that your note contains the following A clear subject line, mentioning the referral specifically.An acknowledgment of the importance of the referral, e.g., I know your good word went a long way toward getting me the job.Your thanks.All the standard parts of a business-letter email, including a salutation and a closing.Accurately spelled, grammatically correct writing. Pay special attention to spellings of proper names. A thank-you that misspells the recipients name feels considerably less genuine. When You Shouldnt One by Email Email has come a long way in terms of acceptance as a means of sending a semi-formal business communication, but there are times when a physical thank-you note is a better choice. Generally speaking, you should go with good old-fashioned paper and ink if The letter of reference was also written on paper and in ink.It was a reference for a job, and your indus try is somewhat traditional.The person doing the referring tends to send physical thank-you notes. Even in this case, email can be useful. However its perfectly OK to send a quick acknowledgment of your appreciation via email and then a formal letter afterward. Youll hardly ever go wrong by taking that extra step. In an era when most of us pay our bills online and send out fete invitations over email, an actual note can say a lot about your appreciation. Itll also stand out in the recipients mind as something special. Here are some sample email messages saying thank you for a reference. The 1st sample also informs the reference writer that the person was hired. Email Reference Thank 1 (Text Version) Subject Line Reference Greg DoubledayDear Dr. Zane,I really appreciate the reference you gave to the Happy Town Group Home. Jody Smith called me and let me know that I got the job.Your support means a lot, and Im sure your confidence in me helped her make the hiring decision so quickly. Best regards,Greg Doubleday ExpandEmail Reference Thank 2 (Text Version) Subject Line Reference, Janna OrtizDear Suzanne,Thank you so much for the reference you provided me for Antellas Pet Grooming. I had a terrific bewerberinterview with the owner of the company, and I hope to hear back from them about the job soon.Im excited about the position, and I very much hope it works out. I appreciate your endorsement and support, and I have no doubt your reference was the main reason I got the interview, and hopefully, the job.Sincerely,Janna Expand

Thursday, November 21, 2019

3 ways to tell if your relationship is ruining your career

3 ways to tell if your relationship is ruining your career3 ways to tell if your relationship is ruining your careerEven if you feel like youve won the career jackpot where youre excited to go to work every day, tackling new projects and deadlines with vigor, very few people can feel completely fulfilled by their jobs. It takes more than success to reach contentment, making interpersonal relationships and friendships another non-negotiable facet of your life.But giving your best both at work and in love? Its a tough task for most people, hence why work/life balance continues to be a pressing topic for many professionals. While its difficult to ever reach nirvana on this lifelong seesaw, if you find the majority of your stress derives from your relationship, the remnants of arguments might wreak havoc on your office performance.While only you can determine if your romantic life is truly interfering with your ability to scale upwards in your industry, these warning signals are ones to heed with major caution. After all, you dont want your pink-hearted love affair to result in a pink slip of another kind. Here, some ways your relationship might be ruining your career.They dont support you emotionallyThough everyone goes through periods where theyre not their best self - after family trauma or drama, woes with friends and the list goes on - seeing the glass half-full is a quality we should all strive for. If you consider yourself a mostly positive, empowered, and resilient human, while your partner tends to be dismissive and sour on most topics, their energy could following you everywhere you go, including the office. After all, as brand and career coach Colleen Star kchenbulle explains, the company we keep speaks volumes about our state of mind and our personality. Because we all need an emotional backbone to keep us sane, if your home life is hectic, it can be tough to leave the chaos at the door when you clock in with your boss in the A.M.The people that we sp end the most time with have an enormous impact on our identities, period, kchenbulle says. No matter how smart, talented, and fabulous you are, a romantic partner who isnt a good match has the potential to be the single determining factor in whether or not youre successful in your career.They dont agree on your meaning of quality of lifeConsider your friend group from college While some married as soon as their diploma was in their hand, others waited a decade and traveled the world instead, collecting passport stamps instead of stroller seats. While most people land somewhere in the middle of being nomadic and growing roots, kchenbulle says choosing a partner who values and desires the same quality of life as you do will ensure your happiness post-working hours.For one partner, quality of life might mean ample time off to spend with your partner, adventuring around the city and having time to spend on personal growth. If the other partner in the relationship equates quality of life with financial security, and becomes a workaholic as a result - you have a problem, she says.To figure out if youre both speeding toward the same endgame, Koch recommends to have a brainstorming session together where you envision what an ideal life would look like - from how you both excel in your respective job titles to how youd like to spend your vacations and weekends and beyond. This is where you can discuss where you have differing ideas and consider attending a facilitated core values workshop to help you understand what is fundamentally important to you both, Koch says.They dont support you at homeWhile Koch says this all-too-common occurrence primarily impacts women who are balancing their maternal and professional timetables, men can also feel the brunt, too. What it boils down to is how active your partner is within the duties of your home. When there isnt an effective balance and one person is spending more time cleaning, tending to children, and running errands, the yll ultimately feel run down and exhausted, leading to a poor work performance.No one can work 24/7, and if you dont have adequate support at home, youll find yourself constantly exhausted. Tired brains dont make for smart, accomplishing professionals, Koch says.To help remedy this situation, Koch warns itll take ample patience and reinforcement to implement change. The first step though? Having a candid conversation where you barter about the responsibilities of the home and decide who will take which task. The key is to keep the energy light and positive, and really think about which chores make the most sense for each of you.If one of you finds dishes meditative, and the other really likes folding warm, fluffy laundry, then those should be your assigned tasks, she explains. As for the must-dos that no one wants to add to their docket? Keep it neutral and make it fair. Do your best to take traditional gender roles out of this conversation. Arbitrarily separating pink and blue jobs is a shortcut to resentment, she says.They make you feel bad about yourselfThose cheerleaders youve collected over the years - from high school and college comrades to those pals who made a new city feel like home and the travel buddies youve shared the world with - make you feel joyful and appreciated. Of all the quality friendships in your life, though, your relationship should be the one thats the most empowering and encouraging. Because your partner is meant to be there through all of the trials and triumphs that inevitably come with life, having a partner who doesnt make you feel like the rockstar you are can be detrimental to your confidence. And poor self-esteem doesnt have a place in any office, anywhere.If you have a partner who is constantly telling you how awesome, smart, talented and wonderful you are, thats going to influence the running commentary you have in your head. Those thoughts will lead to feelings like competence, confidence, passion, excitement, daring, an d drive, Koch says. If, on the other hand, you have a partner who doesnt care about your work, feels like youre doing something that isnt worthwhile, or reinforces any of the ugly things you think about yourself, youll find yourself caught in a litany of thoughts that make you feel insecure, incompetent, unsupported and afraid.The bottom lineSeems pretty straightforward on which one will earn you the most happiness, right? A partner who doesnt come to your corner and isnt present for you only has one way to go on your ladder kicked off, ASAP.Just as you would choose a business partner whose skills complement your own, and who doesnt undermine you, be intentional about choosing a romantic partner who makes you feel more like yourself in the best, most deeply satisfying and supported way, Koch adds.